Home > Orthopedic Nurse Navigators
When you schedule your joint replacement surgery, an orthopedic nurse navigator will be assigned to you to provide care and guidance before, during and after your joint replacement. Your navigator’s role is to help you understand your care from the moment of diagnosis to treatment and recovery. Working directly with the patient, the navigator serves as a personal guide to joint replacement care. Below is a list of just a few services your nurse navigator provides:
- Home assessment for safety and mobility needs
- Pre-operative education
- Greet you upon your arrival the morning of your surgery, visits through out your stay and check-in phone calls when you get home.
If needed, your navigator can also assess emotional, spiritual and financial needs and connect patients with the required assistance.
Our team consists of two nurse navigators. Both are specially trained, registered nurses with many years of experience.
Orthopedic Nurse Navigator, Berta has
been an RN for over 35 years. She has
worked in home health and as surgical
inpatient nurse.
Orthopedic Nurse Navigator, Carrie has
30 years of experience in healthcare as
an RN. She has worked in surgery, recovery
room, pain management, home health and
inpatient care.