Mary was 61 years old and terrified of surgery. She’d lived in pain – and walked with a cane – for eight years. But still, “I was absolutely paralyzed with fear,” she says.
Years prior, Mary had suffered a tear in her knee. She was still working at a physically demanding job. She was in extreme pain each day and knew that she’d have to retire if something didn’t change.
Thanks to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Steven Rhodes, something did change. Mary underwent a total knee replacement.
Within two weeks, Mary was getting around better. Her walker was abandoned after a month. Her cane, within another month (although Mary still uses her cane when she encounters uneven ground).
Mary credits a strong support system at home with making her recovery easier. She says her daughters and even her grandchildren got involved in her exercises. A cousin and niece came to stay with her during the first couple of weeks of returning home.
Mary describes the rehabilitation process with Physical Therapist Peter Schuch as wonderful. “There was never a question I couldn’t ask him,” she recalls. “He was always making sure my pain level was manageable. And praise! Praise! Praise!”
And her fear of surgery? Well, Mary’s hoping to have her other knee replaced once she’s fully healed from her first joint replacement. “I’m here to tell you,” says Mary, “if you do exactly what the doctor says; it’s going to be great.”